September Already?

Hello stamping friends!  Can you believe the summer is coming to an end already? I must admit that I am sort of glad that it’s September.  I love that our schedules slow down a bit during the summer and I enjoy hearing all of the teen conversations in the car while I’m playing Uber Mom for the summer!  Also, fall is my FAVORITE season!  I love the crispness in the air, the colors and Halloween.

As I’ve been doing all year along, I wanted to share with you today my September page for the mini calendar that I’ve created for this year.

Stay tuned for more info on the mini calendars.  I am putting together a kit “to go” for those of you who would like to create your own calendar for 2019.  They’re so much fun to create and then give as gifts during the holidays.  I now have people “hoping” to get a new calendar for a gift.

Happy stamping!

